The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, March 25, 2011


We had a good group this morning on our walk both dogs and people. As we walked the first farm loop the boys were showing off by rearing up on each other. In the pictures above the first one is Evan coming down on top of Valiant and the second is Valiant coming down on Evan. Both had reared straight into the air but by the time the pictures were snapped I missed them both up and only got one in the air. Oh well that's why we have a professional photographer in the family. Our only problem on the walk came as we started crossing the dam to Rachel's house. Her dog Sasha was in the middle of the dam not allowing anyone to cross, a bit like the story of Billy goat Gruff. Even after Sasha was yelled at to 'go home' she didn't so instead of maybe causing a dog fight we gave in and mom went the second farm loop with us. Ruth and Rebekah needed to leave for work. Mom invited Diane and I in and cooked a wonderful breakfast starring perfectly done crisp bacon. We had a good visit before heading out to work.
Steven Marchal drove in to help with the teasing of the mares but neither Wynne nor Dalia are in. We put them along with Izadora in stalls and gave them their grain.
Mike moved a new bale in the middle paddock and one in for the herd.
While we were waiting for the mares to finish their grain we were watching Lily's filly, Keira driving her mom nuts by running around, bucking and just having a grand time playing. She finally stopped and posed for the pictures below.

Notice her nice short back, straight legs, rounded rump, this is going to be another special one, can't believe we are going to sell her.

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