The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday's Fun

We did it! Eva Jean and I got all the studies processed and all the Bible request filled, almost 200 large print Bibles were sent out to about 30 different states. The stamps were actually purchased before 8:30am, then it was run down to TEMCO, pick up the mail, meet Eva Jean at Meisters and take the 200 Bibles out of her car and put them in mine for the trip down to the loading dock. We were working so efficiently today it was like a well oiled machine, we were on a roll. Lunch today was Dan, Mark, Eva Jean and me with our regular waitress Tammy now gone we had to break in Megan. Megan served us last week and did a very good job keeping our coffee cups full and getting our food to us quickly so she is now the new Tammy.
Choir tonight was awesome! A big group that loves to sing and visit.
When the men were singing their song The Mountains Sing His Praise, I very discretely snapped this picture.
Betty Miller and her daughter Beth served lunch and it was another great one below is my absolute favorite, vegetable pizza hmmmm this one even had olives.

These wonderful pudding cups were brought out and Karl was pleased to help show off these tasty treats.

Crystal got in on the helping also.

The singers were having such a great time tasting everything and visiting with each other no one wanted to leave.

What a great group! The choir is traveling to Latty Ohio for the weekend, we are taking the Berean bus, leaving at 9:00am on Saturday and won't be home until Sunday night late. Can't WAIT for this trip!

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