The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Morning After

Such a crazy night last night, wind howling, snow coming down in sheets, blue lightning flashing so bright the entire sky would light up and the crashes of thunder making everyone jump. Around 3:50am the sound of silence actually woke me up. The wind had died down and looking out the window one could see snow lying on the ground looking much like frozen white waves.
Downstairs after 6:00am to let the 4 dogs out and was actually shocked at the sight of my car.

The 2 dogs Rhoda is taking care of were let outside but are not very big. The pit bull named Lucky ran down the stairs that were no longer stairs but one big drift, hit the bottom and turned right around. He needed to be strongly encouraged to go out into the yard so Emma was brought out to show him how much fun snow can be. The older little black dog waded through bravely did her business and headed back where Lucky played a bit with Emma. This is what the stairs looked like after they headed back into the house.

I thought all was well and the 4 dogs all get along well now until I saw Lucky lift his leg IN THE HOUSE! Back into the crate he went until Rhoda comes down. I think the snow was too deep for him to get his leg up outside.
This morning the snow has stopped but the wind is picking back up again and the temperatures are dropping and suppose to bottom out at 10 BELOW ZERO. We will try to spend the morning shoveling out. Right now I'm glad we only have one snow shovel. Taking turns gives each of us time to rest.

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