The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back to the Real World

After the walk this morning it was down to TEMCO to pick up the mail but there wasn't as much as expected. Martha was asked if Eva Jean picked it up last week while we were gone and Martha said not that she knew of. By the time I arrived at Meister Brothers Eva Jean was already there with LOTS of opened Bible studies. She actually went on Thursday so between what was picked up today and Thursday there was close to 400 pieces of mail to process. We had to push it to finish on time for lunch.
At the farm the sheer amount of moisture coming from the melting snow is causing mud problems. We will need to move in bales tomorrow. Steven moved the horses off the cabin field back to the paddocks. Just can't have horses on the fields during the big melt down, they would have it so torn up no grass would grow this spring.
This first day back to work after vacation was exhausting. We were suppose to take mom out to Red Lobster tonight with Mike and Diane but Mark had a school board meeting and I begged off so as not to be late to choir.
Choir was fabulous! The singing so inspiring and beautiful and the lunch served topped all lunches so far. Dee Lehman, Carolee Unsicker, Holly and Dean Ramseyer, and Jim & Faith Carlson went all out tonight. Hot sandwiches, pizza dip, fresh vegetables with dip, fresh fruit, chips, bars and my favorite deviled eggs.

All you singers out there wanting to praise the Lord with your voice, enjoy wonderful fellowship AND have a fantastic dinner should join us on Tuesday evenings 7:15pm at the Peoria Fellowship Hall.

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