The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, January 10, 2011

Round Bales

Saturday Mike moved a new round bale into the cabin feeder, a new one for Ribbon's paddock and one in the middle paddock. This morning he moved in a round bale in the boy's paddock. Steven on Friday gave Raven and Sanna a new one so we are set for this new storm coming tonight. Supposedly there will be 3 inches of snow tonight and another 3 inches tomorrow.
We had a good group on our walk Ruth, Rebekah, me, Rachel and Diane on the phone with mom so mom could join us long distance. The connection was bad so it didn't really work. Once home it was down to the shop to exchange the truck for the car. A box of envelopes was loaded into the car for home. The Horse Fair form was filled out and mailed with the checks needed. Tomorrow CEFCU will need to be visited to move money from the Vaulting fund into my checking account to cover the check written for the vaulting demo. We still need to figure out how many tickets need to be purchased. Sixteen badges have been paid for but I'm sure that's not enough.

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