The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Race to 100

John called mom with the news that Tommy is engaged. Now if he would marry before the babies due in April, his wife would make the 100th person in the family and some say the prize should be an all expense paid trip to Hawaii, some say NOT!
John didn't give mom any other information, we told her on the walk she should have asked John to give the phone to Beth. The only information we were given is her name is Tara. Congratulations TOMMY!
Last night Rhoda met us at the door and told us no, no bad dog had struck again. Rhoda put her out not realizing the side gate was open and Emma went visiting over to the apartments. Two police cars drove into our driveway to say they received a call about a 'wild animal', perhaps a cougar.
Emma came with me to the farm this morning so there is no way she will be eaten by a wild cougar or wait, maybe she IS the cougar. Either way the gate has been shut and locked again and she will only be let out in the side yard. When we reached the farm, Raven was standing at the gate looking longingly at Sandy and Izadora. When he wasn't taken out to visit them he started pounding on the gate, then looking over at me to see if I would get the hint. He was taken over and neither mare were interested. The horses were fed and it was clean up time from the 3 bales Steven and Mike put in. The netting is put on top of the car instead of in the car for the drive over to the dumpster.

Ruth and Rebekah joined us today, it is only 6 degrees and everyone has to stay bundled up.

Emma was taken home then back to the farm to pick up mom for her eye doctor appointment. She has been having blurry vision in her left eye since her cataract surgery. This morning the bright sunshine glimmering off the snow was making her dizzy. On the way home we stopped to check out the progress of Michelle Kellenberger's new home.
And no post is complete without grand daughter pictures.

She has big shoes to fill!

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