The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, October 7, 2010


The trip to Springfield to get Chloe's transportation papers signed by the state accredited vet started this morning by 7:15am. Mark was informed that the GPS would be back in his truck by 11:30am, yeah RIGHT! My appointment was at 9:00am and pulled up 10 minutes early but they took the paperwork and I waited. Pretty soon a lady comes in and asks if I have the Raven car. That was confusing but somehow I thought she must have meant the horsemeister car and asked her if it was parked in the wrong space. "No, No" was her reply, "we looked up the website and saw you have Raven, everyone knows of Raven." She has a Missouri Fox Trotter mare just purchased 8 weeks ago. Meanwhile the state accredited vet comes into the waiting area and explains we have a problem. Dr. Hoerr's original signature was on a 2009 form, not the 2010 form and the coggins wasn't the original. After trying to figure out another way I gave up, headed back to Morton, IL to collect the original signature of Dr. Hoerr on the 2010 form and pick up the original coggins. Why the vet clinic didn't send the original who knows. Back down the 90 miles to Springfield and this time was successful in collecting all the paperwork needed for Chloe to cross into Canada. The drive home the second time just seemed to take forever. The only good thing about the long drive (360 miles)was I had plenty of time to remember the sermon from last night. Kurt Rassi from Tremont, IL came over for family night and talked about numbers as a good way to memorize scripture. His example was take the number 9, there are 9 fruits of the Spirit and we all know those. Eight was the eight building blocks in 2nd Peter, seven was the 7 pieces of armor we are to put on. Six was the whatsoever things are pure, lovely, good report and I couldn't think of the other 3. Then 5 was easy, if one only is allowed to speak 5 words they should be Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Then I started having trouble remembering the rest but at least it helped the time go quickly.
Once home Addyson was here for a visit while the girls went off to buy warm clothes for her. Poor Addyson has no winter clothes that fit. Hope they are successful finding some.

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