The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, October 11, 2010

Manure Pile

By the time TSC was visited and $91.00 of grain purchased Steven had the manure pile by Raven's pen just about done. Amazing what can be accomplished in 3 hours with a good machine and a good heavy equipment driver.

Steven is moving the pile to the hole where clay was taken for the dam. We sure do appreciate the skid steer.

The machine is quick and very strong. Steven is actually looking for a job. If anyone out there needs a good hard worker you may want to consider hiring Steven. He is great with the equipment handling the machinery quickly but safely. He is also a hard worker, he does not shirk responsibility and is extremely good with animals.
We don't really want to lose his help but he needs to earn a living. Among other things he has done for us, he has set fence posts, cleaned paddocks, built fence line, he cleans stalls excellent and is very patient with children.

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