The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sally's Filly

Star and Chloe were anxiously waiting to be fed this morning. This may have been the first time Chloe was ever in a stall all night. Once they were fed it was over to the 2 young boys, Caden and Rohan. They actually started calling when the car drove up, they are smart little things, knowing car = people & people = food.
While Chloe was finishing up the little grain she was given, her feet were picked up and handled. She was a little sensitive but didn't move away.
Rachel was the only other walker, the rest are in Gulf Shores. It's not easy walking with Rachel, she REALLY moves, keeping up with her one cannot talk and walk, takes too much breath.
We have a funeral scheduled on Tuesday which means because of work, someone else must take my place. The first person called was Carolee Unsicker and she was glad to sing.
TSC still needs to be visited, at least one bag of bedding MUST be purchased to replace the bag borrowed from Bridlewood and a bag of equine senior picked up for the 2 young boys. Rohan is now scheduled for pickup on October 19th instead of October 5th and we don't want him to lose any weight before leaving. TSC not only has equine senior, they have equine junior which is perfect for Caden and Rohan. A bag of that was picked up along with the bedding owed to Bridlewood and Pat Wagner also had me pick up some medication for Solo's thrush.
The bedding dropped off at Bridlewood, the med's given to Pat and off to the farm again today where the boys were fed the new feed.
UPDATE: By the time the farm was reached with the grain, Ribbon is hanging out in the shelter looking longingly at Raven, her sonagram is scheduled for Oct 4th and unfortunately we do not want to breed her at this time, it will mess up her vaulting schedule so if she is in we will just wait until next year.

Izadora was let out for some grazing but instead of going for the grass headed over to visit with Raven first.

We still do not have Walker Sally's filly named. Once that is done the registration papers can be sent in for her along with Ayanna, Independence, and Caden.

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