The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

In our family a holiday is not just for the day, but the entire weekend. We love company, playing, campfires, volleyball games, horseback riding and when we can fit them all into a long weekend with beautiful weather it is like having icing on the cake.
Karin took a group of horses out on the death trails and just for fun rode them at a gallop. Good thing it was all just family on that ride. Sarah Reinhard rode Sangria and fell in LOVE with her. Even Karin stated she was probably her favorite ride. Mike took the second group out and as this group was company they were a little more careful. Matt and Lisa Waibel and their 8 children spent the night at the cabin. Karin put Matt on Sangria and told him to just wait you WILL really like her. Sangria does a lot of prancing around before heading out which sometimes intimidates riders.
The filly this morning is running a slight temperature, she was given all her meds and her IV site hot packed for 20 minutes. She is looking so much better, no new diarrhea on her tail.We stopped milking out Samantha Thursday afternoon, her milk is now looking white, instead of coppery colored so believe all the panacur poison is now out of Samantha's body. Now we just need to get her filly over the infection at the IV site.

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