The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

If Only

After church Rhoda came with me to learn how to put in the IV for Samantha's filly. I will do tomorrow morning, I think Steven will do the noon one and Rhoda will do the evening one. When we got out to the farm Mike was busy installing a brand new heavy duty RED gate in the first paddock so the ponies cannot escape.
The filly is still having horrible diarrhea. How long can this continue? I'm almost thinking Samantha's milk is still spewing out the panacur powerpac poison. It has been 10 days since the last day Samantha was treated. Decided to start milking out Samantha, brought Lily in, milked her and gave it to Sam's filly in hopes that if she starts getting good milk, it will help clear up the diarrhea. No where does it say not to use this on lactating mares. We have now spent over $600.00 plus thousands of hours trying to get her better, all because of a $65.00 purchase our vet recommended. We only tried this as Samantha has been losing weight nursing her big filly. Before they leave for their new home, we wanted her to look the best we could. Hind sight is 20/20 but if ONLY if ONLY if ONLY we would have waited until the horses were picked up and just given the new owner the powerpac.

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