The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday Blessings

Emma's eye was treated before leaving this morning for the farm. She desperately wanted to go but it just isn't wise, besides I heard she left a HUGE present for Mike and Diane in their yard, so big Mike needed a snow shovel to move it.
Ylse's filly was standing outside the fence and Ylse was waiting very patiently for me to fix the problem. Ylse was brought out, after the filly nursed she was checked and she is still in season so put in the small paddock until after the feedings. Samantha was given the next 2 panacure dewormers then fed. Her filly came up for some scratching and petting, she is just so friendly. They will be leaving Labor Day. Once Raven was done eating Ylse was covered. Ruth reported she found bleachers for rent for the hog roast and will pick them up on Friday afternoon.
After the walk it was down to TSC to pick up 6 more dewormers for Samantha's last three days of treatment. From there it was down to Rabers to put a deposit of $150.00 on the pig for the hog roast and make sure the pig would be done by the pickup time of 3:30pm.
Aldi was the next stop where $70.00 was spent and this was just for our house, we were out of about everything (really just bread) but it seems like there is no food in the house if we are out of bread.
Steven called 15 minutes ago to report one paddock is cleaned and he is starting on the next. YEAH!!!

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