The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hog Roast Horse Show Pictures

Impressions of the day were: Karin was sure she tacked up a MILLION horses. Never again will we hold the show the same weekend as the girls retreat, the helpers all were too tired, hot and sweaty. The vaulters had 3 falls, never had that happen at a performance before. Just too tired and not able to concentrate.
We had PLENTY of delicious food, even pork left to share. Not enough seating but who would have expected over 350 people!
Even with all this, what a success. I'll let the pictures speak for them selves. Dan video taped the show but it is too late to work on that.

The horses were all behaved even crowding in the arena. Glad today is over! Next week is the last show of the season for the vaulting team and the Friesians held in St. Charles, IL. We will think of today as a practice!

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