The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Work & Fun

Mark started on the tree line with the skid steer this morning. The attachments for this machine are AMAZING. The attachment he is using today is called the turbo saw and it cuts through massive trees.

The tree below is almost 3 feet in diameter.

and finally one of the finished products, this tree was about 12 inches in diameter and the saw just zoomed through, what a way to knock down trees. The skid steer is such a versatile machine I don't know what we used to do before we had it, oh yeah worked harder.
By the time Mark was done, I had the horses fed, Raven's water tank OVER filled (yes I forgot and left the water running for 20 minutes)Velvet's stall cleaned out, and all the horses fly sprayed.
Rhoda and Karin loaded up the truck and trailer for a trail ride at Farmdale in East Peoria. They thought they were going to take Wynne and Bunni but those horses were not available. Mike and Diane went camping for the weekend to Lake Shelbyville with them. Karin ended up taking Sunny and Rhoda Jenis.

Velvet's colt is feeling much better this morning. He is still a bit swollen but more than ready to get outside.
Mom is in Tremont, IL at Rhonda's uncle Butches place for Threshing Days. She called to highly recommend coming to see everything. She said Nancy was enjoying it. Amy Koch was there with her mini. The Knoblochs were there with their Clydsdales, Tyler Joos, our farrier was there giving a shoeing demonstration, and there were many old restored tractors like Dad's Ford 8N.

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