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Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Walk

After church Mark and I walked to the local McDonald's. It was pleasant when we were hiking on the edges of the Madison Park golf course but hot when we were on the pavement. The hike is almost 5 miles round trip from our house but with the stop at McDonald's to share a small smoothie it doesn't seem like torture.
The torture comes at bedtime and that's when I determine I MUST lose weight. Even with 2 Aleve, the old joints start aching and the night doesn't end. Perhaps if my small mind can remember the pain, the food won't taste as good.
Today the vet clinic must be called for an appointment to bring in a couple of mares and foals. Dr. Hoerr called on Saturday and he wants to come collect Raven, depending on when his 2 mares are cycling, if Ribbon is still in we can use her but if not we will need to pick up Bunni from Middle Grove. Bunni is our jump mare, no matter if she is in season or not, Raven just can't resist her and she will stand willingly.
My phone went off during church yesterday, good thing it was on vibrate. It was a long distance number which meant horse call so I didn't bother calling back until we were on our way home. Typical Sunday call they wanted to buy a Friesian stallion for $750.00.

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