The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Chloe is Ciera's best friend, the day Steven and I went to pick up Big Sally, Ciera climbed in the trailer, Chloe followed so we just shut them in the front until we finished with the other horses, otherwise they are in our faces ALL the time trying to figure out what we are doing. Once the video of Aragon was done Steven haltered Chloe, brought her out of the trailer, just led her a bit and then let her go thinking she would do her huge trot back to Ciera, nope, she just slowly trotted back to the herd. If we are going to get a video made of her huge trot we are going to have to bring her in to Bridlewood and use the arena. We are only asking $2500.00 for her and she comes with a reduced breeding fee of $500.00 to Evan at age 3. I am tempted to just keep her, get her under saddle so she can be used for the trail rides and breed her late in the fall each year for a 75% Friesian foal.

She is so filled out at only a year old she almost looks mature, I can only imagine how gorgeous she is going to look at 3.

The lady that sent the deposit that hadn't made up her mind which colt to buy has made up her mind. Velvet's colt is now marked sold!

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