The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Heat & Humidity

Confession time, the heat and humidity are just wiping all of us workers out. It is currently 93 degrees with 65% humidity. A trip to TSC was made where 10 bags of 50 pounds each feed, 8 bags of 40 pound each bedding and 10 gallons of hydraulic oil were loaded into the car, driven out to the farm, unloaded, then home to clean out the car and load it now with a very heavy snow cone machine, 4 gallons of syrup, both parts of the cotton candy machine, 6 half gallon cartons of pink & blue sugar, along with the bags and cones for the machines for the AC home. (Is that a run on sentence?)Once at the retirement home we had to find a place to put them until tomorrow when the activities will take place. We put them out on a patio, plugged them in and no electricity. Willie Hofstetter brought out an extension cord so I could teach the 3 ladies the easiest way to make a cotton candy cone, while Willie loaded up the 10 boxes of wrapped Bibles for the return trip. The car was then taken to Meister Brothers, pulled up at the warehouse, opened the trunk and then I just looked at the boxes and thought how am I going to get the energy to unload 10 boxes of Bibles, up the stairs and into the warehouse. No use just standing around looking so the first of the 32 pound boxes was picked up carried up the stairs and promptly dropped into place. Just as I turned around, there was Philip bringing in 2 of the boxes at a time, he had the Bibles unloaded in record time. THANK YOU PHILIP.
While I was running around town today, Karin, Steven and Rachel drove out to Middle Grove to pick up Ribbon for vaulting and 5 horses for the senior high girls camp. Karin told me Ribbon was awful, not wanting to be caught and Paris wasn't much better. Rachel got lots of pictures of those 2 running around, the rest of the herd were way too smart for running in this heat. They were all very content to watch Karin and Steven trying to catch an elephant, I mean Ribbon. Once caught all 6 horses still had to be walked the LONG muddy drive to the trailers which in this heat, humidity and mud is a miserable walk. I guess I owe these three helpers big time!!!
Back at the Hanna City farm the horses were unloaded and put away. Steven pulled out Samantha and as she is in the 6th day of her season, got her covered. Dr. Hoerr called right after Steven told me she was covered to find out if she is still in. He wants to infuse her as soon as she is out or ready to go out.

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