The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, May 17, 2010

Velvet's Colt

The video has just been finished from yesterday and uploaded. Velvet's colt is 2 days old in it. He ran over to Raven so of course Raven had to be in the video also. We are placing him for sale WITH Velvet NOW for $2500.00 or the colt alone at weaning in September for $3000.00. This is a quality colt and way undervalued.

After the truck was finished, the rain was taking a break so Velvet, her colt and Samantha were let out into the field for an hour while their stalls were cleaned and Samantha's antibiotic was prepared. They came running in when the bucket was rattled and just as they entered their stalls the rain started back up.
It was pancakes and scrambled cheese eggs for dinner tonight, there is nothing left in the house except LOTS of TUNA. Mark will go with me to Aldi after dinner.

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