The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Clara's Colt

Last night we got quite a bit of rain and this morning it was still cold and spitting big drops. The sun started peeking through late morning and it really did turn out to be a beautiful day. Took a quick trip to Sams for the last minute Easter dinner foods after lunch. Then at 2:00pm we met the septic field man at the farm. The old farm house is due for a new septic tank and field.
Mom told me that last night a foal was out but she didn't know anything else so when Mike came over to help with the septic field, I asked him which foal was out. It was a pretty funny story. Ralph called Mike before church to tell him that there was a foal walking around the front of the paddocks. Mike didn't know which foal it was but found a board broken in the yearling paddocks so assumed it was one of the yearlings. They had a terrible time trying to put the colt in that paddock, he just didn't want to go in. Mike and Ralph finally got him in the paddock and all the other foals started picking on the poor thing. Then Mike looks over and sees a frantic Clara running the fence line calling. It was Clara's colt and he knew he didn't belong with those big bullies he wanted to be in with his MOM! That isn't the end of the story, now they had to get the colt separated from the yearlings, back out of that paddock and into the right one. By the time they were done they were exhausted, muddy and kind of mad. The moral of the story is know your horses, or maybe don't have so many that they can't be told apart. But really a 3 month old vs 9 month old?

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