The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, March 22, 2010

Steak Dinner

WE had a wonderful rib eye steak dinner tonight consisting of of course the fabulous ribeye steak, butter sauteed mushrooms, sauteed onions, baked sweet potatoes with butter and brown sugar, wild rice, mixed vegetables with a cheddar cheese sauce, and our favorite; ice cream with caramel and decaf coffee for dessert. The kids spent the day shopping and came back starving so all of them were ready for this feast. Below is during the dinner and the last picture is the end of the meal!

The sun came out around 4:30pm so mom and I took a walk down the beach while Mark watched Addyson. It was good to get out, after being in the condo because of the cold and windy conditions.
Steven Marchal had to call the vet for Lily's filly. 'She just wasn't nursing so Dr. Pallen came out and pumped in some colostrum then around 4:15 pm she started nursing on her own. Thank you Steven for spending the entire day working with her.
Karin called on her way home to tell me that she went over to the farm, woke up the filly and she ran right over to Lily and started nursing. Now we are praying she got enough colostrum.

1 comment:

  1. ah... the steak... the company... i can only imagine..
