The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bible Studies

This morning the mail bin was so full, I was hoping it had returned Bibles in it but that was not the case. There were so many studies crammed into it that Eva Jean started opening it at 9:00am and FINALLY opened the last one at 11:45am. Two hours and 45 minutes just opening mail. Of course we had to go back to the office after lunch. While I was just finishing up the last batch my cell phone rang and it was Ralph on the phone telling me he thought Lily was in labor. After questioning him further on her behavior I was pretty sure she was not in labor but felt I'd better head out there anyway and check her out. She is due April 21st so it would be BAD for her to deliver this early. She was fine, just kind of uncomfortable, and looking HUGE. Sangria is heavily in season. I made an appointment with Dr. Hoerr tomorrow morning at 10:00am to have her checked out as far as breeding her this year but I'm not even sure if I want to. She has had 4 wonderful foals all worth a lot of money and all have sold but this just doesn't seem like a good idea right now.
David and Stephanie came over after dinner and Stephanie saw the vaulting video for the first time. She has never ever seen vaulting so she was also shown the Madison, WI video. She was impressed!

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