The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Horse Fairs

The Illinois Horse Fair is March 5th, 6th, and 7th. Our vaulters have been asked to perform during Tommy Turvey's Night of Amazing Horses on Friday AND Saturday nights in the heated coliseum. What an honor to be chosen for this. If you have never heard of Tommy Turvey, just youtube him, he is WORLD FAMOUS! His show is usually sold out so we highly recommend getting on the IL HORSE FAIR's website and ordering those tickets in advance, this is a wonderfully entertaining show and well worth the $9.00 adult ticket and $6.00 child price. We can promise this is one that won't be regretted. The vaulters are also performing during the breed and sport demonstrations on Saturday between 3:00 and 5:30pm and on Sunday between 2:00 and 4:30pm in the livestock arena.
The Midwest Horse Fair has asked if Karin would like to put on a vaulting teaching clinic but it is without using Ribbon, we had to tell them no. That fair is held in April 16th, 17th and 18th and is in Madison, WI. The vaulters are performing there Friday at 11:40am and Saturday at 12:20pm.
The sugar for the cotton candy machine is now ordered, Karin will be picking that up tomorrow in Galesburg.
The people from the Friesian Heritage Horse registry are sending me buttons and flyers to put out at our stalls for the IL Horse fair. They also asked if they found a hotel would they be able to come down and of course I told them absolutely! We can use all the help we can get. They would only be promoting the registry and we will, along with vaulting, be promoting Raven and Horsemeister but we can still work together, after all our Friesians are in that registry.
Today is a nice sunny day and even at only 31 degrees the ever present snow is melting into icy ruts all over our unplowed driveway. If it would just get and stay above freezing it wouldn't matter but it is suppose to drop to 8 degrees above zero and not above freezing until the weekend. Will we even be able to get into our driveway? By the way it isn't shoveled because both Mark and I were sick Sunday and Monday and the snowfall before that we were on the cruise and non of it melted.

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