The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


After work I try to water the foals here at Bridlewood and the hydrant is frozen. To hold them off I just carried 10 gallons of water per horse and dumped it in their tank. The snow is packed with ice underneath and it is not easy carrying 2 full water buckets without spilling. Tomorrow I'll get the long hoses from the basement, hook up to the indoor hydrants and fill the tank. We just are not used to cold that lasts this long. There is no end in sight, the cold is predicted to stay for another 7 days. It was 4 below zero when Clara delivered, as the colt came out, we were trying to dry him as fast as possible and still ice crystals were forming on the poor boy. Good thing he was so quick about getting up and nursing, that warm milk was just the ticket for him.
Eva Jean and I froze down in our office. We needed to have the heaters turned on a good 15 minutes before starting. The envelope opener is made of metal and it actually burned our hands if it was held without gloves. Once we got the studies entered we took the rest upstairs. Eva Jean asked Mark if he knew of a good heating contractor for our office. We had lunch with Spark, Dan, Phil, Mark, and David Jacob at Dennys and we lingered over lunch, no one wanted to go back into the cold.

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