The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday Morning

This morning, Rhoda carried Emma down the stairs to go to the bathroom. I was just a little late, putting in another load of laundry. By the time I got down the stairs both dogs were ready to come in. The foals needed to be checked, fed and watered and Emma wanted to come with me. She was side tracked by the trailer sitting in the yard so I had to do all the work myself. Once back inside Emma saw Darcy sleeping on the portacushion in front of the heater and thought that looked pretty comfortable. She first climbs up the 4 inches, looks around, asks Darcy for permission, then both curled up together. I thought it was pretty cute.

Now instead of just hearing Darcy snore, I get to hear 2 dogs snore.
Today after church is the madrigal dinner at Illini Bluffs. Rebekah and Anni Davidovics both are in the madrigal singers. Ruth bought tickets for a bunch of people. We will have a great time. Spark is going with his broken foot. A few years back he went with a broken leg, a napkin on the table started on fire, Spark grabbed it, threw it to the floor and stepped on it with his cast. Ruth probably especially invited Spark this time just in case of fire. He comes in handy with his leg and all.

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