The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Snow Fall

We woke up to beautiful white fluffy snow. David came over early and enjoyed a cup of coffee with us after dropping his wife off at Methodist Medical Center where she works. He and Mark cleaned off our driveway after breakfast but I noticed when I went out to feed the foals that a lot more snow had fallen. The foals were all lying down in the straw but jumped up as soon as they saw me coming with their breakfast. They were each given an extra measure this morning as a late Christmas gift, really because I just wanted to give them a little extra this day.
Phil showed up with the Meister truck and trailer so David went with him down to Meister Brothers to load duct to take out to the job site. Mark went down to work with my car, it has the best snow tires so I was left at home with only 2 dogs and a couple loads of laundry. What a great time to get a good book and lay next to a roaring fire.
Around 2:00pm the phone rings and it is interface, an alarm went off at work. They were told not to dispatch the police as the boys were down and must have accidently set off the alarm. Turned out it was not the boys but one of the Meister HVAC service techs. He forgot to put in the code.
A big box came today for Kesha's mare, I opened it and saw it was filled with horse cookies and apples. I'll try to get out to the farm tomorrow with a camera so she can see her mare opening her presents. Mark didn't know they were horse cookies, they were decorated so nicely, they were safe from him snacking on them once I told him what they were. She put in some mints and reeses candies for us humans, what a nice gift.
An email came from the lady that bought Ylse's filly with pictures of her in her new home. It is so wonderful for us when people stay in touch.
Mike and Diane stopped in with their puppy now named Ebony but Ebby for short. Mike wanted to show Diane how she played with her step sisters (Darcy and Emma), sure was funny to watch. Mike and Diane are now officially yuppies, they walked around Menards with their puppy in a bag, went to Panera's with the puppy in the bag and took her down to our retirement home on Skyline Drive. Ebby sticks her head out of the bag and watches everything. The bag also has a pocket for water and another for all of Ebby's things.
Mark and I had left overs for dinner, were lazing around by the fire when we hear a car pull up, Rhoda came over to play games and get her Sunday clothes.

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