The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, December 18, 2009


To the Chillicothe, IL lady that met me at the Northern IL Horse fair, and LOVED Sanna.
I don't know if you are interested but my partners today talked about selling Sanna for $9000.00 AND this includes her unborn foal expected in July 2010.
I really didn't think they would ever be interested in selling her, her foals usually sell at weaning for $8000.00, but Diane just gave me permission to list her. Before I list her, I thought I would try to get in touch with you. my email is: or cell phone is: 309-208-3840


  1. Judy - please reach out to me in a similar fashion if your situation ever change with Ylse!

    Thanks! And Merry Christmas!!

  2. Hi Becky, Merry Christmas back to you. I'll keep you in mind if anything changes.

  3. Hey Judy, I just rode Autumn on the "death trail", She did awesome! She is such a fun ride and the most balanced horse I've been on... did great on the snow! What a great horse.
