The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Office Party

No walking yesterday, just too busy and we had freezing rain last night so unless the roads improve this morning, I won't be making the trip out to the farm again today. It is raining now, the dogs just came in wet, but at 33 degrees outside, I'm not sure if the roads are freezing. Hopefully they have been salted. Actually the weather service has put out a flash flood warning for all of our area. We are expecting 2 to 3 inches of rain and our frost level is at 2 to 3 inches so runoff will be significant. This is just par for the course in 2009. We came into the year with floods and it looks like we will end the year with floods.
Eva Jean beat me to the shop yesterday which was a good thing, she was able to beat the mail man and brought a big box of Bible studies that were all ready to go out.
We worked quickly and efficiently and were done by 11:20am. We ended up taking 3 cars to lunch. Mark had to go straight to a job site once lunch was over and David Jacob was on a delivery and just met us. Spark, Dan, Phil, Eva Jean and I met them at Denny's. We were able to finalize the office Christmas party.
This year instead of going to a restaurant we are holding it at Meister Brothers right after work. We asked our men what they would prefer and this is what was decided. We are having pizza and desserts from Sam's Club, fruit and vegetable trays from Kroger. The funny part in all of this was Spark, Dan and Mark really didn't think it would be well attended and yesterday we found out EVERYONE, ALL the electricians, all the sheet metal workers, all the mechanics, All the service men, all the office workers, EVERY ONE on payroll have indicated they will be here. This works for them even better than making them give up an evening. Philip's entire crew, even the new apprentices are all coming. This may end up being our largest office Christmas party ever.
The Meister FAMILY Christmas party is tonight at the Old School Center and I have promised to help Susan prepare the meal so I will probably not stay long.


  1. " I will probably not stay long." I think you and Mark definitely stayed a bit longer than anticipated. We kept our kids out way past their bedtimes and you guys were still their cleaning up! THANKS. We appreciated the awesome meal and especially all the behind the scenes setup and cleanup.

  2. Hi Nate, I meant I wouldn't stay long at the company party.
