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Monday, December 28, 2009

Humble Myself

This is a hard post for me, it means I must humble myself and admit to a judgmental, critical spirit. My children enjoy IHOP in Kansas and the worry for me was that they would see and hear something to make them want to leave our church. I believe our church is so special and wonderful and it would break my heart if our children would walk away from their heritage. I went to IHOP not really willing to see the best but kind of looking for something to be critical of and of course when one is looking for something to criticize, one can usually find something. All classes were suspended because of the great awakening that was happening in Kansas. I asked one of the Kellenbergers how he felt about not going to class and not being taught and he told me that the Holy Spirit is teaching them and what could be a better teacher. Of course I pondered this and thought there is no way these students will be able to go out and learn a living going to this school.
Yesterday in church we had a visiting minister from California, Justin Moser and he opened up the Bible to Galatians 1. This is a very familiar chapter and I wondered what the Spirit would teach me. He brought out how Paul after he was converted did not go rushing out to consult with anyone else, he did not go into Jerusalem but he went into Arabia and then later into Damascus for the Spirit to teach him. It was only 3 years later that he went to Jerusalem to visit with Peter and James. Justin brought out how the Holy Spirit was his teacher. This message could only have come from God to me through His Spirit.
So my prayer is that I could learn not have a critical spirit, I would not jump to conclusions about how other churches conduct their services or schools. Not an easy task, my flesh is so weak. I will continue to pray that my children would love the Lord with all their heart soul and mind and leave the rest up to God.

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