The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dinner and Entertainment?

This morning it was literally FREEZING on our walk. At 29 degrees and a stiff wind, we actually cut our walk short, we just weren't quite prepared.
By the time I got home the foals were hungry. Their round bale is just about gone and they will need the last bale tomorrow. I had to break the ice in the tank, dig out the tank heater and plugged it in. I'll find out tomorrow if it is working or not. This is the 3rd year for the tank heater, with our very hard water they get limed up so bad they usually only work for one season. It is not suppose to get above freezing today and tonight go down to 19 degrees.
I worked for Meister HVAC today running financing applications. Diane called while I was working to tell me the wire transfer came in and all of our bills are now paid. Such a good feeling! I was done by 2:00pm, ran to Aldi first for some flowers and groceries, then to Sams for dog food and Ice. Both of which could have been purchased yesterday but I didn't realize we were low.
On the way home from Sam's, Hoerr Vet clinic called to tell me the fax came in and the paper work was done for Meike so over to Morton I went. Once home the cooking started. Cathie & Bill Trent, their daughter Sasha and Cathie's mom from Zambia Africa came to dinner along with mom, Spark, Rhonda, Karin and David. The meal wasn't too bad, not as good as some but acceptable. After dinner we watched Darcy and Emma for entertainment. Darcy had to show off her few tricks, then how strong she was by pulling Cathie. Emma was just cute! After all that play it was nap time.

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