The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Party

Last night was the Meister family Christmas party held at the Old School Center. We had over 20 people missing this year but still had a crowd. Thank goodness for that wonderful facility. Just before the meal prayer, our phone rang and it was the group that left for Haiti in Monday. They had JUST made it to Joan's house. There were bad storms in Port-au-Prince so lost an entire day there. We heard it was kind of scary, they were loaded and unloaded, took off, came back, unloaded and loaded again and finally made it around 7:00pm. Our Sarah was proposed to not once but twice. I had to call her and tell her under NO circumstances is she to marry while she is visiting, she must come home first. What is it with beautiful daughters?
Dan and Susan prepared the Christmas meal and it was wonderful. Everybody brought lots of goodies.
The best part of the evening was watching the little ones perform. Before Santa comes through the door, Spark tells the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2 and of course he messes up the words and the little ones catch it and correct him. This is a tradition that dad always did and Spark is carrying it on. Then comes the singing Christmas carols around the piano. This year Kristen played the piano. After the carols the mike is turned on and which ever child wants to sing or recite is given the opportunity. Most of the kids sang Christmas songs but Tate Schick got up and sang Bob the Builder and Ava sang the ABC song. We never saw such hams, Santa is waiting in the back room and the kids don't want to quit, even knowing presents are coming.
This year Justin Herman was santa and he did a great job. Not only did he dress the part, he acted the part and even Jacob sat on his lap before getting his present.
Clean up went pretty quickly and by the time we got home, we pretty much went straight to bed. Ben, Taunya and Addyson spent the night.
This morning, I go to cook breakfast and can't find the coffee cake. It never did show up, I must have left it at the Old School Center last night. After the puppy was delivered to the Honegger's house, it was home to babysit.
Rhoda and Taunya left for RiverPlex for some exercise while I got to keep Addyson so worked on the puppy video while holding her, that was fun. She wanted to help.

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