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Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Blessed Sunday

First of all, Emma really surprised me, NO accidents last night OR today while we were at church. Today was the Sunday School Christmas program in the afternoon and church was packed. We didn't get home until 1:45pm and I was sure I would find puppy pee or something worse and we didn't. EMMA HELD it, oh my we have had a breakthrough? Just maybe she is growing up.
Tim Funk had the morning service and how filled with the Spirit he was. The sermon was so thought provoking and powerful, everyone that was there has something to think about this week. Tim opened to Ephesians chapter 5, we all know it so well but this time the Spirit wanted us to think of MORE, how Christ LOVED his bride the church so much He gave His life for her, and how our husbands should love us and how we are to reverence our husband and reverence CHRIST as He is our husband. The Christmas program was cute and touching. After the program, Brian Elsasser gave the finishing talk. He started by asking the young ones what did they want for Christmas. That led him to tell us the time BJ his son was 16 months old and went in for his first heart surgery. There were 4 children all in for heart surgery the day BJ went, the other three children all died. When BJ was brought home, they wrapped him in Christmas paper and put a big bow on his head. What they wanted for Christmas that year was for BJ to live. Brian then talked about BJ through his years and how thankful they were when BJ gave his heart to the Lord this last summer, his baptism day and then the day BJ died. By the time Brian was finished, there were not many dry eyes in the packed audience.
We are having our all church Christmas caroling tonight with a dinner afterward.

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