The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why Write About the Escapees

Amy from Tremont, IL wanted to know why I was writing about the escapees on the Friesian blog. The answer is that one of them had been counseled by one of our Berean counselors, Marvin Hodel for months, in fact he was almost chosen to speak at the Berean banquet. Marvin told Spark there is just something not right so Spark had him taken off the speaker list. My brother Spark is the chaplain at the Peoria County Jail. The other reason is that sometimes the guards bring down inmates from the jail down to the food warehouse to help with loading the trucks. That was why we were called twice about making sure it was locked.
So NOW I will get back to the horse business. It looks like Classy is sold. I have the deposit check which will be deposited after Thanksgiving. I'll mark him sold on the website once the check is in the bank. His new owners are going to love him.
The weather has not co-operated as far as new pictures of Piper's feathers. It rained most of the day yesterday on top of the 3 inches over the last 3 days. The ground is soggy and muddy. I need to move in a new round bale TODAY or bring some squares from the farm. I just hate to drive the tractor in the yard when it is this wet so maybe I'll bring the truck to the walk this morning and load up a couple of squares. We are suppose to get a break from the rain this afternoon and then dry weather for the weekend.
Meike's owner would like new pictures and I told her hopefully by Saturday we would have dry weather but I forgot we will be in Chicago for the school board convention. We leave Friday morning and won't be home until Sunday afternoon and Monday more rain is predicted. BOTHER!

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