The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Puppy Names

Rhoda took the puppy last night to Rachel Sauder's house as they were putting up their manger scene. This is a tradition from years ago when we were kids. My parents would put up the HUGE home made nativity scene my dad made and mom painted and then we would all sing around the piano Christmas songs. I'm so glad Rachel is carrying on the tradition. The kids all want to call the puppy Emma so all the names we worked on so hard were quickly discarded. I'm not sure she is an Emma.
She had a pretty good night, we made an enclosed bed for her right by my side of the bed and I crashed around 9:30pm. I woke up to whining around 12:30 but it was on Mark's side of the bed and I woke up very confused, turned on the light and there was Darcy asking to go outside. Decided to wake up the puppy and take her out at the same time so down the stairs carrying this 30 pound puppy, outside in my nightgown where both dogs took their time going, then up the stairs carrying this 30 pound puppy. I thought, mmm what a good aerobic work out. At 4:00am more whining and this time it was the puppy, not Darcy, so scooped her back up, down the stairs and back outside in my nightgown, back up the stairs and this time I thought, how much weight did she gain since the last time I bet she weighs 50 pounds! At 7:00am Darcy comes bounding in the room wanting to do her job so groaningly try to pick up the puppy, hobble down the stairs and outside with my nightgown & robe on, watch her go then let Darcy get the paper. Darcy grabs the paper, runs out into the side yard and scatters it EVERYWHERE. Do you think she's MAD? So out I go shoving bits of paper in my arms as fast as I can before the neighbors look out.

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