The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More Rain

We were up by 5:00am, only because we were in bed by 9:00pm last night. The day yesterday was so nice, warm 57 degrees and NOT raining so we really worked hard, couldn't stay up past nine. I get to the farm with enough time before the walk to get Izadora covered by Raven and the mares grained. Checked on the 6 at the cabin pasture and all is well. The middle paddock was opened so the herd can get to another automatic waterer and the automatic waterer is now hooked up and working for the first paddock. It cost $645.00 to get the drilling done for the water and electric lines, we already had the waterer and the rest Mike and Ralph did. We had a good walk, then home to water and grain the foals at Bridlewood and quickly to TEMCO to pick up the mail. Eva Jean still beat me in to Meister Brothers but not by too much. We had a LOT of mail today but still got done by 11:40am and took off with Philip, Mark, and Spark for lunch at Denny's. By the time we finished lunch it was POURING rain. I am so glad Rachel traded with me and took the pictures yesterday. The rain is not suppose to stop until Thanksgiving and then turn to snow showers. We are not suppose to get any accumulation but still how much more rain can the ground hold? The Kickapoo Creek is close to flooding again. The outdoor arena is under water and flooding the yard. Good thing I have tall boots!
What a surprise when I got home from work. Sarah had the day off and CLEANED the house to get ready for the company coming in on Wednesday. She even cleaned the attic and the basement. How THANKFUL I am for hard working daughters!

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