The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, November 6, 2009

Garage Sale for Haiti

The garage sale started at 8:00am but most of the lake people got there before 7:00am and there were already buyers. By the time I got there with my cotton candy machine they had already sold (or had donated) $1600.00. AMAZING. What ever ends up being left they are hoping to ship down to Haiti in a container. Joan and Tim are SO THANKFUL for all the support. One of the barn ladies from Bridlewood (I won't say who but her first name is Susan) donated $200.00.
After putting Sarah Reinhard in charge of the cotton candy machine, I left to take care of the foals I have here at Bridlewood. The water tank needed to be filled and a new round bale moved in. Once that was done I pulled out first Classy, brought him to the front of the green barn, tied him and gave him a good groom. Then it was Pipers turn and finally Chloe. All three were pretty well behaved. I am most impressed with Piper's attitude. I expected Classy to be good, I've been working with Chloe but Piper, other than the day we brought him back has had NO contact with people since we put him out at Middle Grove. He let me lead him around, groom him all over and stood pretty good tied even though he had to call to the others quite a bit. I also was able to introduce him to grain today. The others weren't sharing and he didn't realize it was something he wanted. I put up bucket number 5 and now each foal has their own. Of course they are sure there is more grain in the other buckets so it is a continual rotation. Kind of funny to watch.

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