The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fun On a Friesian

This was from last February when we FINALLY had a break in the weather but it reminded me of a very funny story. One day Mike was bored. He took Jenis out for some riding when he thought, mmm I wonder if the neighbors want to go on the trails with me. He rode over to the neighbors place, not too far from the farm and saw 2 people riding in the arena. He asked them if they wanted to ride over to the farm and go trail riding. They said yes and off the 3 horses went. He started galloping and Jenis crow hopped a little, the back girth was too tight, so Mike jumped off and loosened it, then jumped back on. They got to the cabin trail, Ylse saw them, wanted to go with them, jumped the fence and fell in behind Jenis. This really made the neighbors nervous but Mike told them, Oh, she is fine, she will just follow along. They asked again if Mike should stop and put Ylse away but he told them she's fine, we treat them all the same whether they are imported from the Netherlands or a $600.00 horse. He thought she looked beautiful cantering along with her mane flying. They got to the first creek to cross and Mike really thought Ylse would decide that was far enough and head home but instead she crossed the creek and continued with the group. Both of the other riders were pretty worried by this time, after all it is the 'DEATH TRAIL'. The man got his horse across but the lady needed help. Anyway they all made it back fine. Mike called to tell me the story. He told me, they really don't know how to ride very well, they were scared of the creeks and of Ylse following. Not until later did I learn the neighbor's view of the story. The man came over to visit one day, while I was working with Jenis. He told me about the ride and then said pointing to Jenis, "that mare is a really good mare, she totally took care of Mike. It was obvious he doesn't know how to ride, he didn't even know enough to put a loose horse away."
I thought it was pretty funny hearing both sides.
Now to correct some of the different views, Mike knows how to ride very well and so do they. They just happen to be arena riders, NEVER would they think it was safe to ride a rough trail with a loose horse and of course they had never made their horses cross creeks and run up and down hills.

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