The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, November 20, 2009


Made it to the farm before 7:00am, got Izadora covered, all the horses checked and grained and went on the walk with mom and Diane. We met Rachel's two youngest boys walking to the bus. I asked Logan why he wasn't driving the golf cart and he replied, "you know it's huntin season and all and we were too busy to plug it in." Today was the opening day of shotgun season and Mike left at 3:30am to meet Andrew for deer hunting. Rachel's older boys are probably also hunting but I don't know that for sure as Rachel was not home and didn't come on the walk. I left Darcy with mom as the girls are spending the night with Ben and Taunya.
Mark and I left around 10:00am for Chicago, had an easy trip here with no real traffic jams or problems. We are staying in the Marriot. We went to Maggionos for dinner with 3 other couples. Dinner was good but too much food. Ralph called while we were at dinner that Darcy was in the big barn all scared. Mom had gone shopping and Darcy went over to the farm to find my car. She felt she had been at the lake long enough. I called mom and she drove to the farm on her way home and picked her up but when she got to her house, Darcy wouldn't get out of the car. It was not HER house and she wanted to go HOME. Mom had me talk to her on the phone but that didn't work, finally she got an umbrella and got her out with that by poking at her. Hope the rest of the night goes ok.

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