The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, October 16, 2009


I'm typing this down at work since I am on hold, YES!! I love being on hold when I can do something besides sit and wait on the phone.
Karin called to tell me ALL of my children AND their spouses are coming to her house tonight for dinner. She has a 480 square foot house and is having 19 people over for a steak dinner. She is going to have to go buy more silverware, she doesn't even have enough knives for 10 people and thought maybe she could have them share knives.
She has seating for 13 if you count her bed. We are just laughing trying to figure out where they will all sit. I guess they will be eating in shifts.
Steven Marchal is handling things at the farm today. He is going to try to move the molding round bales out of the barn if the skid steer will start. The battery is going dead, not easy to change skid steer batteries, the entire top must be taken off. He told me that Izadora now has waxing on both teats but the calcium test which hasn't failed yet gives us no chance of her delivering for a while. I hope he puts her out, the sun is trying very hard to peek out of the clouds.
I bought green beans for potluck tonight, fancy french cut tender green beans. My grandma's receipt is wonderful for them and they should be started around 4:30pm as we are leaving at 5:30pm. Hope I get off work in time!

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