The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tim's Healing

We have not discussed Tim's physical healing but this is something that should be told. After the accident, Joan called to give us an update on Tim and Sarah's injuries. She told us that Tim had a badly broken left arm. Dr. Carroll saw it, told Joan, yes it was broken then said we'll discuss the arm later as there were many other injuries that needed to be dealt with. The other bad injury was what seemed to be a broken bone pushing up out of Tim's shoulder. Joan told us she saw the bone and thought that Tim had probably also broken his clavicle and dislocated his arm socket. His wrist had quite a bit of separation which was confirmed by x ray. When Joan was looking at Tim's left arm she told us it was in an S shape. Even in the pictures Joan showed us, we could see right in the middle between the wrist and elbow the indentation that would show both the radius and ulna broken. He also had a bad concussion and needed stitches on his head. Tim also received many stitches in different areas of his body with a drain in his leg. Sarah had a huge chunk of skin and muscle missing from her knee with her patella very displaced. At Haiti they did the best they could with Sarah's knee sewing the skin together leaving in a drain.
When they flew into West Palm Beach, Florida Tim was taken to the hospital so they could better assess his injuries. The x rays showed NO broken bones. The indentation in his arm was gone and the bone sticking out of his shoulder was gone. His arm was not dislocated and even the separation of his wrist was gone. Tim still has much to heal, lots of road rash, much soft tissue damage but the fact that none of his bones are broken gives hope that the soft tissue will heal quickly. If Joan will share the pictures, I can try to post them.
We do not know the answers, in fact we really don't even know what the questions are!

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