The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Raven our Friesian Stallion

Raven was busy today. Sandy, Rachel Sauder's mare is in season and was covered today, Sangria is coming in season and Izadora should start coming in on her foal heat. Raven will be busy for a while.
Mark sent me out to the farm this morning with a 176 pound propane tank. I left shortly before 7:00am and it was still dark. By the time I got to the farm it was daylight but cloudy and misting. I was able to unload the tank by myself, then thought as long as I'm here, I'll move Lily in with the herd now that her filly is at Bridlewood. I took a short cut so I didn't have to get muddy but instead of it being a short cut I caused more work. Jenis pushed open the gate as I was moving Lily and they all took off for Ralph and Jamie's YARD. With all the rain the ground is very soft and they were causing damage(the stinkers). I don't know why they didn't just go into the field like they usually do. They wouldn't come for grain so I just left them and met up with mom, Joan, Diane and Rachel and during our farm loop the girls helped me get Lily in the main paddock and the others in the field. Of course I got filthy moving them, so much for being ready for work.
We decided to just let them graze and I planned on being back after lunch but Rachel called that Sandy is now showing so she put them all back for me and brought Sandy over. We didn't finish with work until after 2:00pm and back to the farm I drove. Rachel came over to help, Sandy stood well and we will mark her down. I havn't started getting the burrs out of Sangria's, Big Sally's and Walker Sally's manes yet. The foals were waiting for me to bring their grain. It is so nice that Ciera and Classy come right up and wait quietly, the other 2 are not yet sure grain is worth coming up for but by the time I was ready to go back into the house all 4 were eating the grain. I won't start working on cleaning them up until I know they will come when I call. I'm so tired of MUD!!!

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