The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, September 25, 2009

Our First Day

What a frustrating day for Diane and mom. The keys were suppose to be here by 11:30am but of course this is Alabama. Diane called Meyer Reality about changing the condo over and they emailed us all the information but our internet stopped working. Philip was called, but after going through the entire trouble shooting, he told us to call Mediacom. After calling them and on hold for what seemed like hours, they told us they couldn't fix it on line and would need to come out on Sunday. Then we found out that mom had dropped the modem. We all worked until 10:30, then Beth and I stayed to keep working while Diane and mom left for Meyer Reality, then to Prudential Cooper to cancel with them then to walmart to buy another modem. The new modem worked but it took calling Mediacom again and bypassing the wireless internet, hooking up to the cable. By this time it was after noon so Diane called her office to track our keys down with UPS. Of course UPS told us they couldn't find the condo and it was rescheduled for Sept. 28th. Why they didn't call us we can't figure out, they had 2 phone numbers, This was NOT acceptable so Diane got on the phone with them to find out if we could meet the truck or drive to where it was going to be stopping. We finally got word that we could drive up to Robertsdale 35 miles away to pick them up at 7:30pm. Diane, mom and Beth decided to leave after our great time on the beach around 5:00pm to drive up to Robertsdale for dinner then to the UPS store. I really didn't want to get back in the car so stayed home to clean the oven and post the pictures below. When they got home from Robertsdale I heard the rest of the story. The GPS didn't work, they pulled off the road to figure out where to go when they saw a UPS truck, they followed the truck to the facility, then when they ask for the package the lady tells them they will have to come back tomorrow. As Diane was arguing with them, a truck driver comes up with the package and says, "is this what you are looking for?" Of course it was the keys. They brought back soft serve ice cream with hot fudge for dessert. We really did have a good time.
Diane scrubbing out the closet.

The cleaning crew. We were able to get a lot done even without the owner closet keys.

Diane, Beth and mom heading out to the waves.

Diane, I thought this was a good close up.

Diane and Judy riding the waves.

Beth and mom riding the waves.

We had a great time, the water was wonderfully warm and the waves were fantastic, some of the rides in would take us up to the very end of the beach.

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