The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Tonight was David and Stephanie's bridal shower for Peoria. We were having a good time around 7:30pm when the phone call came that Lily was colicking. I left the shower, ran home, jumped in the truck which was out of fuel so had to stop and fill it up, then drove as fast as I could to the farm. Jamie and Ralph got home from work and went to check where Ribbon had gotten out and saw Lily lay down and stand back up 3 times, then lay down flat. They were able to stop her from rolling but she was in so much pain she was shaking, and stumbling. They were not able to get in touch with me so they called Dr. Hoerr's emergency number and left a message. They didn't hear back from either Dr. Hoerr or Dr. Pallen so they called their friend Dewey Christenson a horseman from way back and he told them to keep walking her until a vet could come. Rachel was able to get in touch with Susan Meister who was one of the hostesses of the shower and she had me call. I told Rachel where the banamine was and she gave it to Lily around 7:40pm. When I got to the farm Lily was standing quietly. We put her in the stall, removed all hay, cleaned and filled the water buckets, then put some salt on the inside of her lips to get her to drink. I stayed until she drank, manured and seemed relaxed, she actually was begging for hay so I believe we are out of the woods, I left for home at 10:45pm and will head back to the farm first thing in the morning.
I think the grass cuttings she was munching on when we let her out to graze today caused gas. Dr. Pallen did call back, she is in New York for a family emergency and Dr. Hoerr is still vetting for the shore to shore endurance ride, but she told me to call if there was any other problem and she would make arrangements for me to take Lily to UofI. I'm praying that won't be necessary.
Today around 4:00pm I drove out to the farm and just happened to meet Steven so we decided to get Jenis covered then instead of waiting. Lily was eating quietly with Ribbon and Ciera was in the other paddock so we put her back with her mom but all the horses were fine. Then after I got home I got a call from David Sauder, Rachel's husband that we had a horse out. I asked him to describe the horse and he said it was a HUGE one so I thought it must be Ribbon. I called Ralph and Jamie and they told me they would head to the farm right away and they found where she had broken connection on the round bale feeder and just pushed it out of the way and walked out. Ralph put up a gate so she can't do it again and I'll have to come up with a better way to attach the feeder to the shelter. While Ralph and Jamie were putting Ribbon away is when they saw Lily so in a way Ribbon saved Lily's life!

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