The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, August 10, 2009

Autumn, Lily & Ciera

We left this morning around 6:30 for Indiana to pick up Autumn. Steven Marchal went along. We pulled in right behind Emily Jewell, owner of Keegan so the timing was perfect. We unloaded Autumn from Emily's trailer and loaded her right back into our trailer and headed down the road for the University of Illinois. We were just getting off the exit when Dr. Pedro called to tell me that yes we would be able to take Lily and Ciera home today. Good thing, we were about 15 minutes from the University. We had to wait an hour for the paper work to be finished but by 11:30am we were on our way. Lily lost 70 pounds the 2 days she was in the hospital. Ciera probably gained that. We made it to the farm about 1:30pm, unloaded the horses, took Raven to the cabin and teased the three mares there. Jenis came right up and was covered but we believe she is just going out as she squealed and pinned her ears. Sanna came up once, showed a little then walked away so we are pretty sure she is also out. Ylse didn't show for the longest time but before we left she did show once so she will need to be checked tomorrow. We grained Raven then headed for home. I'm exhausted, I had company last night and didn't get to bed until close to 11:00pm.

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