The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vaulting at the Heart of IL FAIR

It is official, the vaulters will be performing at the Heart of IL fair on Friday July 10th, 2009 around 8:00pm in the show arena. They were asked to be the entertainment between the 4 horse hitch and the 6 horse hitch as the fair needed a time filler to keep people from leaving while the entries for the 6 horse hitches get their last 2 horses hitched up. (that is a lot of hitches in one sentence)
This performance is going to be ALL family.
Karin and Rhoda just took a group of 8 horses and 8 people (including them) to Sandridge State Forrest for an overnight camping trail ride. They crammed 5 horses in the 4 horse trailer and 3 horses in our 2 horse trailer. Where there is a will there WILL be a way. I think we are going to need to invest in a larger horse trailer at some point. Ruth lent her motor home for more sleeping arrangements so between our horse camping trailer and Ruth's motor home they will be able to sleep 8 people. The really funny thing is that Rhoda was going to take Jenis on this trip not realizing she was so close to delivery. The horses that got to go on this trip are: Mika, Larry, Cindy, Sunny, Paris, Bunni, Duke, and Izadora. The riders are: Karin, Rhoda, Sarah, Rebekah, Anni, Jessica, Rachel and Caleb.
UPDATE: I called them this morning, July 9th, to see how the horses did during the tornado that was sighted in Manito (Sandridge is in Manito) last night and Karin told me they didn't even know there was a sighting. She told me she was so thankful for Ruth's motorhome, they got dumped on by heavy rain but if rain was the only problem, that isn't bad at all. Paris got loose during the night but Rachel took care of her, Karin said she didn't even wake up.

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