The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, July 17, 2009

Samantha Is In FOAL

The saddlebred mare was in standing heat and was covered by Raven this morning. After meeting the walkers, Diane and I walked to the cabin field, haltered Valiant and scrubbed with iodine shampoo a small scrape he got last night. He was filthy with mud so we think he was running, wiped out and hit a stick or root which caused a small puncture wound. He didn't like getting it scrubbed out but he stood for it. What a good boy! Samantha's sonagram was schedule for 10:30am, Dr. Hoerr saw the embryo right away then took the time to make sure there were not twins in there. It is really good to have a diligent vet. The picture posted of Samantha is a funny one, look at what she is doing with her mouth but it shows her unfading black color and her good conformation! I saw an incredible sight when I was putting her back into the paddock. From the corner of my eye, I saw something coming at me from the barn wall, I jumped back and saw about a 4 foot black snake shooting out of a hole in the brick, the snake saw me and stopped but it must have squirmed through a wasp nest and was getting attacked by multiple wasps. The snake froze, dropped it's head and covered it's eyes but the attack didn't stop so then even though I was standing near it had to move. It slithered out of the hole and down the side of the barn until it found another hole to slide into the entire time getting stung. I left the gate unlatched, I didn't dare get near the barn, I really didn't want to get stung and there were at least 30 angry wasps flying around. I will need to buy some wasp spray, we can tolerate snakes but the wasps are just plain MEAN.
Autumn has been covered by Keegan on July 15th, but we will not bring her home until her sonagram, it is just too far to drive back and forth. The last time Autumn took the first cover so hopefully she will only have to stay 2 more weeks. We REALLY miss Autumn. She is turning out to be one of our best riding mares.

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