The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


There is something funny going on at Bridlewood, in fact, I think someone is messing with my mind. Yesterday I bought 3 cans of wasp spray at TSC. Last night I took the bag out of the car, brought it into the house and set it on the kitchen table. After dinner I remembered that I wanted to kill the wasps on the side of the barn so I took all three cans out of the bag, then my son came over so I left them on the kitchen table. This morning around 5:00am I was going to call in the mares and thought I may as well take the wasp spray out but couldn't find ANY of the cans. I found the bag they were in, looked on all of the counters, the playroom table, they were not put away where we keep the dangerous sprays, not under the kitchen sink, I just couldn't find them so quit looking and headed out to call in the mares. Once the mares were grained and the water tank filled I walked into the kitchen and there were the 3 cans right in front on the kitchen table. I picked up one can, took off the lid and headed out to spray the barn. I used the entire can. When I got back in the house I went to put the other 2 cans away and there was only ONE can sitting on the kitchen table. So... who is walking around our house early in the morning moving stuff around? Am I really losing my mind? weird!
I got to the farm around 7:10am, tried the Saddlebred mare but she is out of season so will make arrangements to send her home today, then took the car over to the cabin to check Jenis' colt. We had a good walk today, the walkers along with me were: mom, Diane, Rachel, Ruth, and Joan. Tim needed a ride to the shop to pick up Old Smokey the semi truck to move 2 trailers and I headed down to TEMCO to get the Berean mail of which there was more than 300 pieces, I think we will break the record today.

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