The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, July 16, 2009


The saddlebred mare is still not showing, Raven thinks she must be in, she's HERE isn't she? But she is not winking and let him know with a very polite kick as if to say "Don't even think of mounting!" Raven backed right off so at least he does listen to me. He wasn't too disappointed as his grain was waiting. We moved Lily and Jenis with their foals to the cabin field this morning and put the saddlebred mare in the small paddock. Her owner told me she can be hard to catch. Steven just hand grazed Lily in the cabin field for a half hour then let her go and watched for another hour, the most she did was about 10 trot steps. This is Lily's first time to be off lead since her surgery April 23rd. I'm praying that she doesn't do anything stupid. Ciera is having a ball. She is loving having room to run and a companion to run with. Valiant, at one week old is better than no companion at all. Ciera's best friends were Piper and Royal but both are now at Middle Grove.
Ruth is going to check to see if her motor home can pull the stock trailer for the Northern IL Horse Fest. Please email me if you would like to go, I'll get the tickets in advance. They are $20.00 for the weekend or $10.00 a day. I think I can get them cheaper at a bulk rate. The motor home would make my job a lot easier but if not I'll see if I can borrow either Philips truck or the old Meister Brother truck. The latter doesn't have air conditioning so I hope Philip will trade me his truck for my car for that weekend.
Once back from the farm I headed down to the warehouse to start working on the Bibles. I have chaplains waiting for them from all over the United States. Twenty boxes of Bibles are now waiting for the UPS man all stuffed with lesson number 1, a letter explaining the study and a postage paid return envelope so the prisoner does not have to spend his own money to join the study. If they send back number 1 in the postage paid envelope we send them three more studies and once they finish all 50 we send them a completion certificate.

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