The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, June 25, 2009

On site AI

Kate Johnson called today to tell me that she has on site AI is scheduled for June 30th, 2009 for 2 mares. She wanted to make sure that was alright with us. OF COURSE it is! I'll have 2 stalls prepared.
I made it to the farm early this morning and it was a good thing I did. Nothing moved the way I thought it should. I couldn't find my scoop to feed Raven, the syringe was missing for Lily's sulpha, the fly spray was empty, the hose was twisted and Ralph and Jamie, bless them, had put a fan in the window of the stall I move Lily into to clean hers but the cord was going right across the floor of the stall so I had to move the cord, unplug the fan and move it from the window, straighten the hose so I could fill Lily's buckets and search for the syringe which I found on the floor under a bucket, refill the fly spray and find The scoop which was found in the door of the arena.
Kind of funny now that I see it written down. I made it to work only 15 minutes late. I called Karin about Princess' pictures she couldn't believe how good that baby looks.
We are heading to Dixon's for the hooked on fishing open house. I'll finish this tonight. Dixon's was GREAT, Herman Pond Management has it really looking good!
9:30pm I'm home from work and have been putting together a video of the Apostolic Christian Senior High Boys Camp held Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I lent them my video camera and it came back full so I downloaded the clips and put them together. This is NOT the official camp video but I think it is a good way to see everything they did. It was held at the Old School Center in Farmington, IL owned by Dan and Spark Meister, one of the days they hauled them to the Herman Lake in Norris, IL. After working on the video, it was very obvious that they kept those boys moving!
I asked Bethany if I could hire her to feed and water Lily as I didn't need to drive out to the farm tonight. Holly thinks her mare is now out of season. We also think Sally is out, we tried her this morning.

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