The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, May 2, 2009


We are naming Lily's filly Ciera, which means black as the filly is almost blue black. I had Dr. Pallen from Hoerr Vet clinic out yesterday because I was concerned with her. I thought she felt a little warm and she was a little lethargic compared to the day before. Turns out she has the start of an umbilical cord infection but we think we caught it in time. She is on Sulpha, 2cc's once a day by mouth with iodine applied to the cord. I will be keeping her in the stall or big field until we are done with the sulpha. I let Lily and Ciera out in the big field for about a hour a day to graze. I really don't like to lock horses in stalls but with the amount of rain we've had this spring there is no place without mud. Our hay fields are ready to cut but the ground is too wet for the equipment and we have not had a good sunny dry spell for it to dry once cut so we wait....
Clara was moved to the cabin field with Jewell and Paris. I got another stall ready for Sangria or Big Sally. Both are due in May, I hope we catch them delivering. I will need to spend the night out there for sure with Sangria, her last foal had to be pulled. It was an awful experience and I hope I never go through that again. If there is a problem with her foaling this time, I think we will retire her as brood mare.
We are hosting our annual Benefit dinner today and I won't be able to get back out to the farm until Sunday morning. I'm glad I have so many helpers living out there.
On a GREAT note, my water leak was fixed and the water to the barns is back on. This winter was so cold we had a pipe break in the office area. I've been without water in the barns for 4 months. The outdoor hydrants were still turned on so every time I wanted to water the arena I had to haul the hose through the stall barn and out to the hydrant. What a pain. I'm thankful for WATER.

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