The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wednesday at Gulf Shores

We had a great day yesterday even though it was cool and windy there was bright sunshine. We had a wonderful dinner with Ruth and Fede's family and Kurt and Mary Bennett. After dinner we all trouped over to mom's condo for our singing and devotions. It was still too cool to sit out on the balcony so we crowded into her living room, spilled over into the kitchen and hall and packed the kids in 3 to 4 deep. It is so much fun all being together. Rachel turned out the lights for the last part so we could remember how dark it was after Christ's death and how the sun was darkened.
Steven gave the update on home with how the colt is doing and who got bred. Sure is great that he is willing to take care of this. I've included a picture of Fede with one of the huge fish he caught. The fisher people fished until they were too tired to pull up any more. Tonight we will have a fish meal at the pool. Greg and Beth now have probably more than a hundred pounds of fish in there fridge, freezer and coolers. They catch it, cook it, and we eat it, wow what a good deal.

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